We do not automatically collect any personally identifiable information about users of this website. We will only record your personal details if you provide them voluntarily via one of the contact forms on our website. We also collate general aggregate information about use of the website for statistical purposes (see ‘Google Analytics’, below).

The information we collect

If you choose to contact us using one of the contact forms on this website, we may collect the following details (if you choose to provide them):

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • Any other information that you choose to submit to us

When you submit information via one of our online enquiry forms, the information is sent to us via email (rather than being stored in a database). These emails are generally deleted after 12 months unless there is a specific reason for us to retain your email beyond that period.

What we do with your information

If you provide information to us via our contact forms, we will only use that information to respond to your enquiry (e.g. emailing you a quotation for our services).

Unless you give us permission to do so, we will not:

  • Add you to any mailing lists
  • Send you correspondence that is unrelated to your reasons for contacting us
  • Share your details with a third party


We endeavour to keep all sensitive information as secure as possible. Our servers are house in a purpose-built secure data centre that uses firewalls, secure access and activity logging. We have a designated Data Protection Officer, and we also have defined procedures in place that govern how we track and use your data.

Accessing your personal information

You have the right to:

  • Ask to see what personal data (if any) we hold on you – in most cases, we can provide this data for free within 1 month of receiving your request
  • Correct any false, outdated or incomplete data we hold on you
  • Request that we delete any/all personal data we hold on you – such requests will be honoured unless we have a legitimate reason for refusal
  • Withdraw any permissions you have given us in the past (e.g. if you give us permission to send you news updates via email, you can change your mind at any time)

If you wish to do any of the above, please email our Data Protection Officer at info@itsepic.co.uk.

Cookies policy

Our website uses cookies – view our cookies policy here.

Google Analytics

Like many website owners, we use Google Analytics to monitor the performance of our site. This tool does not collect any personally identifiable information, but if you would prefer not to be included in our Analytics data, you can download Google’s opt-out browser add-on here.

See also: Google Analytics – Safeguarding Your Data.

Any questions?

You can discuss our privacy policy with our Data Protection Officer via email at info@itsepic.co.uk. If you believe you have received unsolicited email from Epic, please send your complaint to our Data Protection Officer along with a copy of the unsolicited email and we will do everything we can to ensure that this does not happen again.

We reserve the right to change the wording of this policy at any time. Please check this page regularly to ensure that you are familiar with the latest version of our privacy policy.